01 June, 2012

Another Lazy Weekend? Maybe.

     Friday we had scheduled a bike trip along the Appian Way. I decided I'm really not a biking kind of girl. So I tried to sleep in (unsuccessfully) and decided to watch movies and go shopping. I bought mostly boring stuff like pasta & sauce, milk, and laundry softener. But I did have a bit of an adventure trying to find out what kind of bread I should get for toast (breakfast of champions). I had a moment where I couldn't remember the word for breakfast (colazione) and the guy was like oh, she's American, and decided to get someone who spoke a little English. so between her English and my Italian we figured out that there was a crust-less bread that was exactly what I needed/wanted. Feeling very accomplished I returned with my purchases and departed again, this time to the Chinese store.
     While there I mostly wandered, found a ton of stuff that I was barely able to convince myself I *didn't* need. But ended up buying a fold-able laundry basket, a lighter and some fingernail polish remover. After that I made lunch (pizza), took a nap, and got gelato. (Gelato is becoming an everyday habit here, as I suspected it would be. So far I've been able to limit myself to one a day!) Then I started reading some more for my Archaeology class, and watching more movies. Having no netflix is killing me slowly. However, I plan to buy some of the fun movies I watched in my Italian film class last year like Divorzio All'Italiano and Profondo Rosso. Then I went to go pick up some Chinese take-out with my roommates. It is super delicious, and very similar to what you can find in the US.
     Saturday there's a parade that I'm super excited about going to. And maybe more than a little nervous because I'll probably be going alone, but I've felt really safe everywhere here so far. And it is a military parade after all. Plus I don't think I can stand staying in the apartment all day by myself again. (My roommates are going to Cinque Terre & I'm too cheap to join them) Anyway it's the 66th anniversary of the day Italians voted to become a republic instead of a monarchy (like our July 4th). And the parade is being held by the Colosseo and the Roman Forum on Via Fori Imperiali, a street made by Mussolini. I'll try to post a lot of pictures, I'm wanting to use this as an event to display how photojournalism is a part of Photography. (Basically stuff for my final project for class.)

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