03 June, 2012

Alarms are Important.

So yesterday I was going to go to the Parade... But my alarm mysteriously stopped working at 3AM. and I had closed my windows against the noise, and unfortunately the sun. So I slept untill 11, when the parade was supposed to start. It would have taken about an hour for me to get down there assuming the subway was still running all the way. So, I decided to study instead. It's kinda boring, but well, I think it's fun. However I'm a nerd about things like Italy so that's probably why. I love learning about things I like so it wasn't too  bad of a day. The worst thing about yesterday besides missing the parade was that the good gelateria was closed, so I had to go to the worse, and more expensive place. (What a hardship!) Anyway, today I'll probably be studying again since I didn't get as much done as I wanted to yesterday.

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